Aches and Pains


Devil's Claw
Devil's Claw
An all natural herbal supplement that helps to alleviate joint pain and sore muscles.
Price: $25
Gout Eliminator
Gout Eliminator
An all natural herbal supplement that reduces pain and rids excess uric acid.
Price: $35
Juniper Berries
Juniper Berries
A dietary herbal supplement that can reduce pain associated with too much uric acid in your body.
Price: $25
Shark Cartilage
Shark Cartilage
An all natural herbal supplement that helps to reduce inflammation and joint pain.
Price: $60
Varicose Vein Reliever
Varicose Vein Reliever
This herbal ointment helps reduce swelling.
Price: $40
Arnica Oil
Arnica Oil
Can be used to reduce joint pain, sprains and bruises.
Price: $15
Butcher's Broom Capsules
Butcher's Broom Capsules
An all natural herbal supplement that helps to reduce swelling in the body, sometimes caused by arthritis.
Price: $20
Feverfew Capsules
Feverfew Capsules
A dietary herbal supplement that aids in reducing various types of headaches.
Price: $20
Osteoarthritis Formula
Osteoarthritis Formula
A dietary herbal supplement that reduces joint & muscle pain and promotes good joint health.
Price: $40
An all-natural herbal supplement that can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent, relieving aches & pains associated with arthritis.
Price: $30
El's Bone Rebuilder
El's Bone Rebuilder
A dietary herbal supplement that supports good bone health.
Price: $40
El's Pain Control
El's Pain Control
An all natural herbal supplement for joint pain and sore muscles. Also can boost energy level and promote feelings of wellness.
Price: $40
A dietary herbal supplement that is necessary for bone formation and maintenance. Also, used for calcium deficiencies.
Price: $20

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